Monday, July 13, 2009

Kidney Stones, Kidney Infections, Bladder Infections

Gravel Root is the best herb to have on hand for kidney stones. It breaks up the stone, so it can be passed. It can be found in liquid tinctures or in some formulas such as Stone Free. My mom has had 22 kidney stones and says that she finds buying the powder and putting it in capsules to be the very best. She keeps some on hand at all times just in case.

Aloe Vera juice concentrate is very helpful in preventing kidney stones from forming.

Nature's Way Kidney and Bladder Formula is very good for bladder and kidney infections.

Cranberry is also very helpful to kidney and bladder issues. If you are going to drink the juice, it has to be the all-natural kind. (Sorry Ocean Spray is full of sugar.) We use Pro Caps Labs Cranberry Benefits supplements.

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