Monday, August 17, 2009

The Tapping Technique to Eliminate Phobias, Cravings, Anxieties, Etc.

Developed by Dr. Roger Callahan. You can Google Dr. Callahan to find more information and books on the subject.

This technique is used to get rid of any phobia, anxiety or addictions that are stored in your body by reprogramming your brain. The following example is used for food cravings, but remember that you can substitute anything in this formula that you would like to eliminate. Use it often, it works.

1. I want you get the biggest desire for a food that you can right now. If you don't have a big enough craving, put this technique to one side and come back to it when you're really feeling it.

2. Focus on this craving for a moment, and when you've thought of that I'd like you to rate your desire for a food on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest. This is important, because in a moment we want to know how much you've reduced it.

3. On a scale of 1- 10, how strong is your craving? Remember, if you're not really craving a bite (i.e. your craving is not at least a 7), come back to this technique later.

4. Now take two fingers of either hand and tap about ten times under your collarbone while you continue to think about eating.

5. Now tap under your eye ten times.

6. Now tap under your collarbone again.

7. Place your other hand in front of you and tap on the back of it between your ring finger and your little finger. Continue to think about your desire for food as you do this and each of the steps which follow:

Close your eyes and open them.
Keep your head still, keep tapping and look down to the right then down to the left.
Keep tapping and rotate your eyes round 360 degrees clockwise, and now 360 degrees anti-clockwise.

Remember to keep thinking about the food you were craving as you do this!

Now hum the first few lines of ‘Happy Birthday' out loud.
Count out loud from 1 to 5.
Once again hum the first few lines of ‘Happy Birthday' out loud.

8. Stop and check - on a scale from 1 to 10, what number is your craving at now?

If it hasn't completely gone yet, just repeat this sequence again until it does.

1 comment:

Sarah Sidwell said...

I read a book called the tapping cue and didn't find much relief in it. Have you used it? Maybe I was doing something wrong?