Monday, July 13, 2009

Natural Helps When the Kids are Sick

Here are some of my "go to" remedies when my kids are sick.  We rarely go the doctor, so they must work!

Cold or Flu: Soak in the bathtub with warm water and about a 1/2 to 1 cup each of apple cider vinegar and epsom salts. It helps!

Fever: Soak in the bathtub with about 1 cup of Hydrogen Peroxide

Colds: Swab your ears and nose with Hydrogen Peroxide. It kills the germs safely. I have heard that the nose is where the cold germs start.

Herbs for Kids: Herbs for Kids is a great brand of liquid herbs that I have used for years. My kids easily take them. They have products for coughs, stuffy noses, stomach aches and nerves. I find them at Whole Foods in the children's section.  I would imagine that you can order online as well.

Crane Humidifiers:
These are adorable animal humidifiers. They are so quiet and no filters to replace. I found mine on sale at Target and really enjoy them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard about a great program called Germy Wormy Germ Smart that teaches kids to understand how germs spread and how to NOT spread germs. My daughter learned it at pre-school. It was so much fun for her, and it was amazing how quickly the kids learned healthier hygiene habits! The website speaks for itself: